Musical Sounds

In understanding what musical sounds is, first lets consider sound itself. What is sound? the answer is simple and is taken from different angles.

Sounds are vibrations emitted from a medium when it is being hit, plucked, ringed, tapped, or stroked. Having said that, we now consider musical sounds.

What is musical sounds?

Musical sounds are vibrations emitted from musical instruments when they are being hit, plucked, ringed, tapped, or stroked.

Difference between musical sounds and other sounds(noise)

 A sound is a noise when that has an irregular beat. They are irregular vibrations that comes from any kind of medium, while musical sounds are regular beats or vibrations emitted out from mediums such as musical instruments.

In layman’s’ understanding, noise are irregular sounds while musical sounds are regular sounds. That is why when a musical instrument plays our hearts grows fonder because it reaches our ear uniformly.

Musical instruments are use to produce musical sounds, and we have three main types of musical instrument. They are:

String Instruments: The Guitars, the Banjos, the Violins, and the Harps.

Percussion Instruments: The Drums, the Tambourines, the Cymbals, the Bells, the Gongs, and the Pianos.

Wind Instruments: The Trumpets, the trumpets, and others.

The string instruments are played by plucking the strings, and the percussion instruments by hitting, ringing or striking, while the winds instruments by blowing air into the air columns.

Music Theory; difinition and advantage.

  Music theory or language is about explaining the music we hear through scientific terms and formulas. that you have never toke a music theory class does not make you a lesser musician, in fact if you are a good musician, you already know a lot of music theory, but the only thing is that you just may not know the scientific terms and formulas for what you are doing.

 Music theory is very much like learning the grammatical rules in a written language, also it is to composers what grammar is to poets.

why is music theory necessary?

 Music theory is necessary and rewarding if you want to go into music, because it helps in learning new techniques, and performing rare and unfamiliar styles of music. It can also boost your confidence to explore the unexplored in the music scenes.

 I believe that in music you reap what you sow, so for composers it is strictly advisable to get a bit of music theory, because it makes it easier for you and puts you in a place to know what is next and what to expect before it comes. But it takes some sacrifices and discipline such as: MONEY, TIME, your INTELLECT and you may also have to sacrifice what you love most doing! but at the end it pays.

 Remember, “when the going gets tough the tough get going” and “all perseverance leads to conquering”. Learning music theory is a higher and deeper thing altogether from having the musical talent and can sing very well, it is like a mere computer operator learning computer engineering!


What is Music

Music is defined in mechanistic terms as merely vibrations that are detected by the organ of cor-ti and assimilated by the brain’s cortex into what we hear. But to my own definition, music is spiritual and evokes the spiritual in us, because it takes us from this world we know to an unknown world,(the world of imaginations).

Music does not have a specific definition because it comes in different mediums and can be anything to anybody.

Music can be a friend, companion, guide, and a teacher. It can be in the shape of a culture, identity, origin, history, invention, remembrance, symmetry, revolution, genius, mastery, dazzling, breath-taking, extraordinary and spell-bounding.

Music is a powerful and fundamental tool in our religion, because most a-times music is required in other for you to communicate with your creator. Take note that their is a big different between hearing and listening, it is only when you open up yourself to a music by listening that you can connect.

Also note that music is outside of only when you are hearing, but when you listen it connects and flows inside you carrying you to a world of imagination, because musical lyrics are born through inspiration(imagination) which is gotten from divine or the supernatural.

Mozart was able to play with such brilliance at the age of four only because the inspiration is there, given him from above. He is a small boy then, he does not work for it rather it flows out from within him . That is music for you!

Why We Need Music?

 We need music to su7stain this world like we need air to survive. The followings emphasizes why we need music…….

  1. Music is therapeutic: In the sense that it addresses the physical, emotions, cognitive, and social needs of individuals.
  2. Music is pleasure: Because whenever you are down you listen to music and feels good.
  3. Music boosts imagination: Because it takes you to a world of scenery and imagery whereby sharpening your minds to dream big.
  4. Music is spiritual: Because it most a-times serves as a medium to connect to your creator.
  5. Music is used to create ambiance: Yes, it can connote with things already present to achieve an explosive finish. Imagine a birthday party with music and one without music.
  6. Music educates our minds both negatively and positively: So we have to be cautious on what we listen and assimilate.
  7. Music evokes emotions: In the sense that it can make you cry, smile, laugh, get angry or feel nostalgia for the past.
  8. Music is a universal language: Because it inspires common human feeling were spoken languages fails.

All these things tells us that music is an essential part and tool of our survival in this world. Without music, people would not understand themselves due to languages differences and will lead to wars which will render this world listless and lifeless. Plato, one of the greatest man that lived in this world once said that ‘music is a more potent instrument than any other for education’ so let us use it wisely!